The Verwood Temperance Banner
(The Heritage Centre project for 2015)
The Verwood Temperance banner at the
Heritage Centre is an unusual survivor is more than a century old.
It had to be taken down from the wall in the Heritage Centre in 2007,
partly because the silk from which it is made was slowly perishing and
also because it occupied a position where the new projector screen was
required to go. Since then it has been kept boxed up in the loft of the
Heritage Centre.
As part of a VHHC project the banner was
carefully unrolled and hung so that your webmaster could take a high
definition picture in order that it could be printed on material and put
back on display. The picture below shows the original banner.

Silver Star Tent No 2066 I.O.R
(Circa 1891)
I.O.R. stands for the Independent Order of
Rechabites and the Rechabites were inspired by Rechab in the Old
Testament who commanded his followers not to drink wine and to live in
tents. The name was adopted by those who joined the Temperance Movement
in the nineteenth century.
In late Victorian times when many people
lived in poverty, drink was a serious problem and was responsible for
damaging many peoples lives. The Methodist Church played a prominent
part in the way that the Rechabite Movement developed.
The motto 'Peace and Plenty - The Rewards of
Temperance' is echoed by the images on the banner shield. The sun and
moon is a reminder that temperence was a twenty-four obligation and the
beehives are a reminder of diligence.
The Replica copy of the
banner can be seen on display in the Heritage Centre. |